Make meetings more accessible.

Problem: Many local governments do not publish their meetings on video sharing platforms and/or do not provide subtitles or closed captioning for their videos.

Solution: Create a YouTube channel to provide a searchable place for all public meetings that also provides automated Closed Captioning.

Example: OpenGovernment YouTube Channel

1. Download videos

Does your local government have recordings available for download on their website? If yes, you can download them and keep track of their dates and general description of each meeting.

If your government does not record meeting video, you could attend these meetings and record.

2. Create Channel

Register an account and create a YouTube channel.




3. Upload videos

Upload the videos downloaded in step 1 to your channel. Videos may take a long time to upload and process depending on the size and length of each meeting.

Closed captioning will be automatically generated. Though, the accuracy of these automated transcripts leaves a lot to be desired.